Samantha Elie · Badass Botanist & Relentless Researcher
My First Book!
Plant Wisdom of the Antarctic: Travel Reflections & Science Musings that Matter
Coming to bookstores near you soon!

I am a leader in my home community and internationally.
I facilitate youth programs, serve non-profits, contribute to global sustainability collaborations, and offer publicly-accessible plant-based science.
Enabling communities around the world to grow from the grassroots on up!
Learn about projects, academic travel, and undergraduate research.
I conduct independent botany research & lead community action that matters.
Help me continue this important work by supporting monthly on Patreon or one-off on Venmo! I can't do what I do without you.
My current research questions focus on disturbance ecology.
They consider the ecosystem services of native plants that support community adaptability and regeneration from glacial melt, saltwater intrusion, and wildfire. Within these contexts, I am fascinated by the applications of native plants in agricultural landscapes in particular and how they can fortify and enhance our food systems.